If you love flowers then why not come along to our friendly, thriving flower club where you watch a demonstrator create stunning floral designs whilst picking up tips and advice?
Spring is on it's way!
We meet monthly at Appleton Parish Hall. We hope that you will come along as a visitor, you will receive a warm welcome
February 4th AGM & workshop
March 4th Wendy Graveston Floral Magic
April 1st Catharine Baines The Joy of Spring
May 6th Jane Allison Making the Most of your Garden
June 3rd Kathleen Williams Poetry in Motion
July 1st Jane Pugh A Walk on the Wildside
September 2nd Melanie Farrow Natural Garden Flowers
October 7th Thoughtful Botanicals A Change in Seasons
November 4th In house demo TBC
December 2nd Julie Pearson It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like Christmas
We have ten demonstrations or talks during the year and workshops are also organised for those who want to improve their own floral design skills along with trips to various gardens.
All designs created are raffled at the end of the demonstration - you may be lucky and go home with a beautiful arrangement! Floral arranging basics can be purchased from the sales area.
We meet on the first Tuesday in the month (apart from January and August) at Appleton Parish Hall, Dudlow Green Road, Appleton, Warrington WA5 5EQ.
Please note that our April meeting is a week later due to the Easter holidays.
Doors are open at 7 p.m. for refreshments prior to the demonstration/talk starting at 7.30 p.m.
Parking is available behind the hall.
Annual membership is £50 which helps towards the running costs of the club including room hire, demonstrators' fees and expenses, flowers and refreshments.
Visitors are also welcome, entrance is generally £7 for the evening. Some people prefer to 'pay as you go'.
Appleton Parish Hall, Dudlow Green Road, WA4 5EQ, Warrington, Warrington, England, United Kingdom
Stockton Heath Flower Club